Adaptil Calm Home Diffuser Plug-in & Refill for Dog & Puppies


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Lack of routine, long distance travel, family in the house and loud noises such as Christmas crackers or over New Year fireworks can tip them over the edge. Adaptil will naturally help to reassure your pet in these challenging situations and create a more relaxed environment for them. Adaptil Diffuser helps dogs overcome fears and stress, and eases the fear of travel. Plugs into an electric socket (for best results, change diffuser every four weeks), mimicking the natural pheromone produced by lactating females, which promote a sense of well-being and reassurance.

Pheromones are species-specific and have no effect on cats. Dog Appeasing Pheromone Adaptil Diffuser is also odourless to humans. Undesirable behaviours such as excessive whining and barking, and adult destructive chewing, were improved or resolved 85 and 72 per cent respectively, in clinical trials.

Fireworks: Noise fears are very common, affecting up to 80% of dogs in the UK. In most cases dogs showing noise fears can usually be helped by providing Adaptil support and following a few simple steps. This should include building a den, drawing curtains, turning on the TV and most importantly acting normally and ignoring any fearful behaviour.

Rescue / Boarding Kennels: The kennel environment can be stressful for you and your dog. Some dogs may show stress-related behaviour such as pacing or barking. Others may go off their food or develop diarrhoea. Consider fitting an Adaptil Collar before the dog enters the kennel. This has been shown to prevent excessive barking and help dogs adjust more quickly to kennel life.

Travel Fears: There are two aspects to travel problems; motion sickness and travel fear. However, the symptoms of each are very similar and many dogs are believed to suffer from both. Reduce the stress associated with travelling by using an Adaptil Collar or Adaptil Spray. However, in some instances it may also be necessary to treat the motion sickness with medication.

  • Plug in adaptil diffuser releases the comforting pheromone into the local environment
  • Covers 50-70 square metres
  • Each vial lasts up to 4 weeks
  • Up to 5 refills may be used before replacing the diffuser unit
  • Helps dogs to cope with challenging situations (fireworks, christmas, new baby, staying home alone etc.)
  • Helps puppies or adult dogs settle in new homes
  • Helps prevent or reduce stress-related inappropriate behaviours - these may include, pacing, trembling, salivating etc
  • Re-training may be required to eliminate unwanted behaviours

105 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    Great for older dogs

    Posted by Mir P on 30th Oct 2018

    My dog has always had issues with loud noises. We bought this for the upcoming bonfire night and fireworks have been going off for a week already. She is coping much better than normal. The big test will be in 5 days... fingers crossed

  • 4
    Old dog new behaviour

    Posted by Jo74 on 29th Oct 2018

    Bought this because my old dog is scared of loud noises especially fire works. There have been a few go off already and she hasn't raised an eyebrow big test next weekend so fingers crossed.

  • 4
    Good for my dog

    Posted by Meggie87 on 26th Oct 2018

    It's worked really well up to now let see on the 5th Nov tho

  • 4

    Posted by janmol on 25th Oct 2018

    Purchased well in advance of fireworks night as have a dog with Addison's Disease so need to keep stress to a minimum. So far, seems to have made her generally calmer and relaxed but won't know the full extent of success or otherwise until November

  • 2
    Not great

    Posted by JH24 on 17th Oct 2018

    Doesn't seem to have any effect on my dogs. Don't waste your money.

  • 4
    Great when we took the dog on holiday.

    Posted by Ludosmum on 12th Oct 2018

    Used this in a holiday cottage for our dog's first holiday away from home. Helped him to stay relaxed

  • 4
    Helped my puppy

    Posted by julesbe on 27th Sep 2018

    I purchased this for my very nervous Cavapoo and it seemed to help him relax.

  • 5
    has worked wonders for my howling dog

    Posted by JBrown on 22nd Sep 2018

    only found out last month my 4 year old patterdale howls just about constantly while we're out :-( I was devastated, tried a few recommendations, essential oils, radio on, purchased a camera but still not helping until I installed the adaptil plug in. the following week, no howling :-) hoping it helps when there are fireworks too. definitely recommend, calmed me down too not worrying about her hahaha x

  • 1
    Didn't work

    Posted by Jaki91 on 13th Sep 2018

    This purchase didn't work for my dog but that's not to say it won't work for anyone else.