Adaptil Transport Spray


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Adaptil is a synthetic copy of the dog appeasing pheromone naturally released by a mother dog to comfort and reassure her new puppies. Adaptil is non-sedative, non-systemic and as such can be used alongside other types of medications, to help your dog cope with stressful situations and improve behaviour. Adaptil has been scientifically proven to have the same reassuring effect on puppies and adult dogs. It is particularly useful for new or challenging situations.

Simple things can upset your puppy or dog - new people, car rides, being left alone, fireworks or even a baby being brought into the home. The visible behaviours that you notice can be a result of your dog trying to cope.

  • Drooling and licking of lips
  • Excessive barking and whimpering
  • Soiling in the home
  • Panting & pacing
  • Trying to escape
  • Seeking out owner
  • Destroying household items

18 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 1
    Adaptive transport spray

    Posted by Grieves on 29th Sep 2020

    I bought this spray and used it with the calming collar and tablets . I can only say how dissatisfied I was and the £48 it cost was a complete waste of money . My poor dog was more anxious travelling than usual .

  • 5
    Great for fearful dogs

    Posted by Fanackerpan on 9th Mar 2020

    I bought this recently and my dog, a greyhound, was calmer the first time I used it in the car. I now use it with the Adaptil collar and she is really starting to be calm in the car and approaching the car. The duvet would normally be soaked in drool but it's now dry and she will lie down in the car for most of the journey.

  • 1
    Not Good For My Dogs

    Posted by still looking on 6th Nov 2019

    I Brought this has i was looking after my friends dog who is scared of fireworks.I sprayed it only once on the dogs beds ( i have 4 dogs who are ok with fireworks) as thay all share 20 mins before it was needed, my dogs would not use the beds till i had removed the covers i had sprayed with clean ones then my friends dog would not use hers i had to wash hers before she would use it . None of them like the smell at all the only good thing about it was she forgot about the fireworks while she was waiting for her bed to come out of the dryer. It do's seem to work for some but i will never use it again as thay do not like the smell

  • 3
    Not that good for my adult dog at 5 years

    Posted by Mrs s a scholes on 2nd Nov 2019

    I brought this because my dog had issues with haveing his nail cut , I thought this spray would work, I am still haveing probblems and it has not mad eny difference.

  • 5
    Really helped with our Beagle Alfie

    Posted by Janet on 15th Nov 2018

    It has been a godsend this year , with fireworks going off for several weeks . After spraying Alfie’s den , he stayed calm throughout it all .

  • 5
    Good journey

    Posted by Barbara1 on 23rd Sep 2018

    Our dog had started to not enjoy car journeys we could not understand why.After trying to find a reason I thought about Adaptil and looked on line and found there was a spray for car travel we have tried it and found it very good ,she was very happy with no stressful panting we are all very happy again in the car,

  • 5
    Works for barney

    Posted by Whiteforest on 29th Aug 2018

    We use this first for barney in the car and before grooming visits. It does calm him down if he’s panting or unsettled , He’s happier, we’re happier and he seems to suffer no ill effects.

  • 5
    Highly recommended

    Posted by Angie 78 on 12th Aug 2018

    This is great to use when you know that an event is going to happen.. I sprayed it on my dogs bedding 20 minuets before a firework display and he was totally chilled out. Normally he would have been pacing up and down

  • 5
    Adaptil spray

    Posted by Justine 2014 on 30th Jun 2018

    I bought this for my dog for a very long trip across the Europe. I would not be able to make it without this.