Adaptil Transport Spray


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Adaptil is a synthetic copy of the dog appeasing pheromone naturally released by a mother dog to comfort and reassure her new puppies. Adaptil is non-sedative, non-systemic and as such can be used alongside other types of medications, to help your dog cope with stressful situations and improve behaviour. Adaptil has been scientifically proven to have the same reassuring effect on puppies and adult dogs. It is particularly useful for new or challenging situations.

Simple things can upset your puppy or dog - new people, car rides, being left alone, fireworks or even a baby being brought into the home. The visible behaviours that you notice can be a result of your dog trying to cope.

  • Drooling and licking of lips
  • Excessive barking and whimpering
  • Soiling in the home
  • Panting & pacing
  • Trying to escape
  • Seeking out owner
  • Destroying household items

18 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5

    Posted by Nicholls52 on 27th Apr 2018

    Recently we homed a rescue chihuahua who had been used & abused which resulted in her being scared of everything & everone.On advice I bought this hoping it would help, pleased to say it definitely does, especially when we take her out in the car. Also for trips to the vet & when we have visitors. Not something I would be without until she learns that not everything is going hurt her.

  • 5
    Brilliant for my dogs

    Posted by Lou27 on 24th Feb 2018

    I always brought travel sick pills from the vets, which cost a small fortune. Someone suggested this product and it worked for my 2 digs brilliantly, one is old and gets stressed my other suffers with travel sickness. Would definitely recommend it.

  • 5
    adaptil spray

    Posted by Sue Screaton on 5th Jan 2018

    An excellent product helps our Jack Russell settle at night with just a couple of sprays on his pillow.

  • 5
    Great as a boost to reduce anxiety

    Posted by MrsRJG on 6th Nov 2017

    I bought this as a boost to the Adaptil plug in which I use continually from early October to just after the New Year. I used this each evening around the days fireworks are likely to go off and, although it did not remove all of it,my dogs level of anxiety was significantly reduced.

  • 3
    Adaptil spray

    Posted by Maggie Lines on 5th Nov 2016

    I have used this a few times now it seems to help, going to use it tonight for fireworks as Brucie gets very upset.

  • 5
    Relaxed dog

    Posted by Nina on 31st Oct 2016

    We just moved house and to make ot easier for our dog to feel homely we sprayed his beds and some corners with a bit of Adaptil. It helps also with the fireworks, as we have a little wuss at home when it comes to loud noises...

  • 4
    Definitely has a calming effect

    Posted by Caroline on 29th Oct 2016

    I have used this with my dogs in the past and now am trying it on my young cockapoo. It definitely seems to calm the dog in stressful situations, like unexpected noises.

  • 5

    Posted by Carol on 18th Jul 2015

    I bought this for our 24 week old Cocker Spaniel who was sick every time we went in the car (even a short distance) It works, I used it with the Adaptil tablets. It's brilliant!

  • 5
    The Adaptil Spray is a fantastic product

    Posted by Luvdogs on 14th Jun 2015

    I use Adaptil spray in my grooming salon especially for nervous and anxious dogs. It has an amazing results and the dogs are noticably more relaxed. We spray the adaptil on a towel and then have the dog stand or sit on it. Amazing and the dogs are less nervous next time they are in for grooming. I recommend this product for rescue kennels and grooming salons as well as pet owners.