Aktivait Brain Supplement for Cat


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AKTIVAIT® is a nutraceutical supplement containing safe natural antioxidants and substances that may aid brain function. It is manufactured in theUK to pharmaceutical standards and may help to:

Improve your cat's vitality and energy

Improve memory and mental alertness

Improve your cat's quality of life

Directions: give one capsule daily. Composition, each capsule contains:

DHA/EPA 35mg,

N-acetyl cysteine 30mg,

L-Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C 20mg),

L-carnitine L-tartrate 13.5mg,

Vitamin E (as di-a-tocopherol acetate) 10mg,

Acetyl l-carnitine 5mg,

Co Enzyme Q10 1.5mg,

Phosphotidylserine (as Lecithin) 1.5mg.

Selenium (as L-selenomethionine) 25 mcg

Only feed to cats under veterinary supervision

Study held on file by Vetplus

13 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    Wirkt super!

    Posted by A. Hartung on 30th Oct 2020

    Meine Katze hat sich das Fell vom Körper geputzt und hatte wirklich viele kahle Stellen. Seitdem sie täglich Activait for cats mit Leberwurst; bekommt, ist alles wieder im Lot.

  • 5
    Geweldige verandering

    Posted by B. Jansen on 17th May 2020

    Enige maanden geleden gekocht en ben daar erg blij mee. Mijn 16 jaar oude kater miauwde ‘s nachts het hele huis door en plaste en poepte regelmatig buiten de bak. Kostte echt onze nachtrust. Aktivait hielp al redelijk snel, al na een dikke week merkten we verschil. Nu gebruikt hij de kattenbak weer gewoon, miauwt ‘s nachts niet meer en hij beweegt zich veel beter. Eerst liep hij stram en we hadden een opstapje voor de bank gemaakt omdat hij daar niet meer op kon springen, idem bij het bed. Nu springt hij daar zelf weer op en loopt goed de trap op en af.

  • 4
    wirkt tatsächlich

    Posted by Jessica on 4th Oct 2019

    Ich habe die Kapseln aus Verzweiflung bestellt, da mehrere tierärztlich verordnete Medikamente meiner dementen Katze nicht helfen konnten. An eine Wirkung habe ich kaum geglaubt. Nach rund drei Wochen mit den Kapseln wurde ich jedoch überrascht. Meine Katze schreit nachts deutlich weniger und spielt tagsüber sogar wieder. Wir sind jetzt bei Woche 6 und die Wirkung hält an, ohne Nebenwirkungen trotz sehr empfindlicher Katze. Das Pulver in den Kapseln hat allerdings einen starken Eigengeruch, so dass die Akzeptanz etwas besser sein könnte.

  • 5

    Posted by Carl en Christi on 12th Jul 2019

    Nol schreeuwde snacht en je zag dat hij zich niet prettig voelde. Samen met de dierenarts verschillende middelen geprobeerd maar het gaf geen goed gevoel om medicijnen te gebruiken. Ik ben toen gaan Google-en en kwam bij Aktivait uit. Een beetje skeptisch maar las goede recente dus toch maar een echte verpakking besteld. Na goed een maand zagen wel Nol veranderen in een nijdige jankende kater die heel dof uit zijn ogen zag en slecht in zijn vacht, in een steeds aanhankelijkere wordende kat waar je mee kon knuffelen. Zijn vacht begon weer te glanzen en het meest opmerkelijke was dat hij met zijn staart begon te wuiven tijdens het lopen. Ook zijn ogen werden helderder ondanks de staar die hij had. Nol hebben we nog een goed bonusjaar bij ons kunnen geven en we hebben warme herinneringen aan hem.

  • 5
    Wonder drug!

    Posted by Tracey Guy on 10th Apr 2016

    Our 14 year old boy had started to pee and pooh in the house something he had never ever done, he had always been so clean! It went from the occasional accident to at it worst, 4 pees in the house in one day, and usually on either our duvet, soft furnishings or his and our other 3 cats beds! It was dreadful to see a cat so healthy in every other way, deteriorate mentally. After being on Aktivait for around 3-4 weeks we noticed a marked improvement. Now after 5-6 weeks we have just done a full 10 days without any accidents whatsoever! I can only see this continuing, providing he is taking his one a day miracle capsule in his food. I read the reviews myself before trying and while I remained hopeful, I was sceptical. Please if you are reading these reviews as I did, and are thinking you at least need to give your pet a fair last chance, put one pack of 60 in the basket and get them delivered, quick! They work, just give them a chance. Considering giving them to our 3 other cats.

  • 5
    Saved my cats life!

    Posted by Emma07 on 22nd Sep 2015

    My cat simply would not be here without this product! Within 2 weeks She's gone from a cat who had little quality of life and was barely eating to a cat that is loving life. Her night yowling has gone from 3 times a night to occasional nights. It's easy to give (she will only take it in highly flavoured cat food such as gourmet pearle) so is stress free!

  • 4
    Seems to be slowly working

    Posted by Em2000 on 8th Sep 2015

    We have an adopted, blind 15 year old cat. After having her around 4 months she started crying excessively every night then during the day, and so we bought this out of desperation. We hadn't seen any improvement until this week (just a few tablets to go until the pack of 60 is finished) So we are repurchasing in the hope its just take a while longer than others have stated for it to work! Fingers crossed we can finally sleep again!!

  • 5
    Spencer is BACK!!!

    Posted by DespicableMind on 30th Aug 2015

    We were skeptical about trying this out after recently finding out our Bengal Spencer has some form of cat dementia (he is 13), but our Vet kindly suggested purchasing this on the internet rather than from them as they charge £60! We have now been using this for nearly two weeks now and we now have our beautiful Bengal boy back! The old Spencer we know and love has returned, and it's the most heart warming feeling... Highly, Highly recommended!

  • 5
    This product definately works for my cat

    Posted by Tigger on 31st May 2015

    My Puss-Binky started to show the signs of dementia-restless at night, crying etc. I found this on Google search & was not hopeful-but within 2 weeks he was much better-I put them in tuna but after a couple of months he stopped eating it-I noticed the difference as he had not had any for about 10 days-so now they go down the 'hatch' with a prawn treat afterwards-he went back to normal, again after about 2 Weeks-I would strongly recommend this product.