BETA Sensitive Adult Dry Dog Food - Salmon & Rice


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Beta®: Free the Real Dog Inside

We know that some dogs are more sensitive to food than others, but that does not have to stop your dog from living an active and curious life. That is why our Purina® Beta® tailored nutrition Sensitive food is specially formulated with salmon, a high quality protein which helps to support good digestion, as well as with omega 3 & 6 fatty acids that helps reduce possible discomfort in your dog's sensitive skin. It is also specially formulated with selected natural ingredients and a natural prebiotic to help support digestive health that help your sensitive dog get the most out of his day. And all this without including any added artificial colours, flavours or preservatives.

Salmon as the no. 1 ingredient - Made with selected natural ingredients and with no added artificial colours, flavours or preservatives.

Tailored nutrition to help support sensitive skin and digestion.

Sensitive Digestion - With high quality protein (salmon) and rice, to help support good digestion.

Skin Sensitivity - With vitamins, zinc and omega 3 & 6 fatty acids, important skin nutrients to help reduce possible discomfort.

Healthy Immune System - With antioxidants to help support natural defences.

  • Made with selected natural ingredients
  • #1 salmon is ingredient
  • Dual-shape & size kibbles
  • With salmon
  • With natural prebiotic proven to help improve digestive health
  • No added artificial colours, flavours, preservatives

3 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    Not an immediate hit..

    Posted by Nana Monkey on 23rd Jul 2023

    There's a little bit of difference in size of the biscuits, compared to his usual brand.. so he knew from looking at his dinner bowl that something was different. However, after trying some, he realised that the flavour was almost the same, so he tucked in and cleared his bowl, as usual. I thought at first the new biscuits may have upset his stomach, as he was windier than normal.. but that turned out to be because the little girl next door had given him some blueberries, a few more than I would normally have let him have. But no harm done. Overall, I think Barney is really enjoying the Purina Beta with Prebiotic, and I see no reason to change it.

  • 4

    Posted by Kayrose on 18th Jul 2023

    Loved it, no upset tummy ate all her meals would happily switch to this product :)

  • 5
    Adult dog

    Posted by Ultra on 9th Jul 2020

    My dog has enjoyed this dry food since she was a puppy.