Chappie Adult Wet Dog Food - Favourites in Tins


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Chappieâ„¢ complete wet dog food mixed flavour jumbo pack is a 100% complete and balanced dog food developed with our vets. Chappieâ„¢ dog food tins contain all of the essential nutrients that your dog requires to keep them in top condition every single day.

  • Healthy Coat & Skin: Every Chappie wet dog food can contains essential fatty acids to help support skin & coat health
  • Vitality: Our dog food loaf recipes contains everything your dog needs to keep them full of vitality
  • Healthy Digestion: Our Chappie dog food contains dietary fibres to help support your pet's digestion
  • Healthy Bones: Chappie tinned dog food contains calcium and phosphorus to help support healthy bones.Wet dog food developed with our nutritionists and veterinarians of the Waltham Petcare Science Institute.Our recipes in Chappie dog food tins are made with wholesome and natural ingredients