Clydach Farm Group Grain-free Lamb Dry Dog Food

Clydach Farm Group

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A complete food for all breeds of adult/mature dogs. Our Grain Free Lamb uses a simple blend of singlesource protein and digestible carbohydrates. Less ingredients shouldn't mean less protein; this diet is loaded with 50% grass-fed Welsh Lamb, that delivers essential nutrients and delicious taste, in the most nourishing form.

Sourcing Lamb from farmers we know and trust, we blend the fresh meat with Sweet Potato; a highly digestible, slow release carbohydrate that offers a low glycaemic index and a fantastic source of vitamin A and C. With naturally high levels of Omega 3 and 6, this diet delivers a great source of EPA and DHA to help support a healthy heart, supple joints, cognitive function, visual development and coat/skin condition. If you're using our product for first time, please feed gradually over a 10 day period. Starting at 10% Clydach and 90% existing food, and 90% Clydach and 10% previous food on day 10.

  • 100% grain free
  • 50% real meat
  • Single source protein
  • Loaded with lamb, delivered in the most nourishing form
  • Sweet potato carbohydrate, low-GI, slow release energy
  • Added omega 3 & 6 for health promoting benefits
  • Naturally healthy, functional, transparent nutrition
  • Made in the heart of the british countryside

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  • 5
    Allergic lurcher

    Posted by fester on 22nd Apr 2020

    I have been searching for dry foof that has a single source meat. Clydaach fits the bill and my fussy old girl eats !