Dorwest Scullcap & Valerian Tablets for Dog & Cat


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Dorwest Scullcap Valerian tablets for dogs and cats is a licensed herbal medicine for the symptomatic relief of anxiety, nervousness, excitability and travel sickness, and an adjunct in the treatment of epilepsy in dogs and cats. It is invaluable to calm and relax dogs and cats suffering from excitability, apprehension, hyperactivity and phobias, such as those from fireworks, thunderstorms or gunfire. Scullcap Valerian tablet do not cause drowsiness or impair normal behaviour or performance making it ideal for those needing to be settled for travelling, showing, training or obedience work. Given prior to a journey will calm nervous travellers and the tablets are useful where new surroundings or situations might cause apprehension or anxiety. In cats, this tablet is also effective to control territorial spraying as the tranquilising effect reduces the impulse to mark territory.

  • Herbal, veterinary approved tablets for the symptomatic relief of anxiety
  • Calms pets that have phobias of loud noises and situational changes
  • Tablets do not sedate your pet or cause drowsiness
  • Sugar coated to help administer
  • Suitable for short and long term use
  • Can be given from 8 weeks of age
  • Not recommended for pregnant or lactating females

19 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    Helped my rescue dog

    Posted by Nicky C on 8th Aug 2020

    Our dog is extremely timid, this was recommended to me and it has helped to keep him calmer in stressful situations.

  • 1
    didnt work

    Posted by Dawson on 1st Jun 2020

    I bought this product to calm my anxious 1 yr old cat.After reading reviews from others who purchased,I thought it sounded like what I needed.I started giving it to my cat on day it arrived, as per instructions on bottle.I did it for 3 weeks but nothing changed in my cats behaviour.

  • 5
    Anxiety in both my dogs

    Posted by Lorraine 06 on 2nd Oct 2019

    I purchased this after my English bulldog was badly attacked on a walk unfortunately I also had my new puppy with me, because of this it was hard to help Albert as Dotty went into a state of panic and was screeching. After getting Albert fixed up he was understandably jumpy from normal household noise and Dotty was a mess on walks despite gradual exposure I came to dread walking her. Day two of using tablets Albert is very chilled out and Dotty has relaxed on her leash and is actually stopping to sniff things and no longer cries when another dog passes us on the pavement. I'm again enjoying our walks though walking separately until Dotty is fully confident so glad I found a safe natural product!

  • 5
    Positive effects for us

    Posted by Sophie on 14th May 2019

    My cavalier has been on these one tablet a day for just under a week and already seen a difference in him, he’s was much more settled staying at family’s house while I was away on the weekend and more confident around them where He used to hide under the table from them.

  • 4
    tablets good

    Posted by dog lover on 28th Apr 2019

    Our basset has epilepsy and is on medication every 12 hrs which mostly control it, but we do find she is better on these tablets as well, she has 3 in a morning and 2 later on. They really seem to help

  • 4
    Works for me!

    Posted by HDG1968 on 18th Apr 2019

    I have 3 dogs and the two long standing members like to bully the new addition who is a puppy farm rescue and severely traumatised. I’ve only given one dose so far and the two are completely chilled which is giving the new one much needed chill time. My only issue like a lot of reviews I’ve read, is the ease of the dogs eating the tablets. Because they are small they keep falling out of the dogs mouths, but worth persevering with.

  • 2
    Dog not keen to take them

    Posted by WSSMum on 25th Jul 2018

    I bought these for my Springer Spaniel to try to calm his over-excitabilty. Usually he likes anything sweet tasting (what dog doesn't!) but he didn't like taking these. I think it's the size of them. They're very small so he finds it difficult to crunch them and keeps dropping them. I tried wrapping them in a tasty treat but he still drops them on the floor - not spitting them out just losing them as he chews. When eventually I did get a full dose into him there was only a slight change in his behaviour and not till several hours later. Perhaps the calming effect builds up over several days, but for me the hassle of trying to give him the tablets twice a day outweighs the effectiveness and expense of them.

  • 4
    I think it's working!

    Posted by QueenieG on 9th Feb 2018

    Just got through 5 weeks worth and my very nervous rescue is definitely more amenable and loving. We've had him 14 months and he still doesn't want to be picked up, but since taking this he comes over for strokes and now drapes himself over me while I'm seated, unlike before. May just be coincidence, but I'm sticking with this supplement!

  • 5
    Really good! Helped my boy through fireworks

    Posted by Stephfinn on 12th Jan 2018

    Brought this for the fireworks and I was very impressed at how relaxed he was