Edgard & Cooper Adult Grain-free Dry Dog Food with Fresh Norwegian Salmon

Edgard & Cooper

(2 reviews) Write a Review

Feel good food, now available for dogs. Good food makes your mind, body and spirit feel amazing. Nothing beats fresh meat and simple ingredients, cooked and packed with nature in mind. But most pet foods are over-processed and come wrapped in plastic. We only use fresh meat in our kibble - meaning nothing processed or dried, and absolutely no meal or bone. By mixing in a few tasty extras, like lots of healthy fruit, veg and berries, we've created a well-balanced kibble that gives dogs everything they need. Carefully baked at a low temperature, we lock in the goodness and make it easily digestible. Packaged in 100% biodegradable bags, its naturally tasty dog food that you, your pets and our planet can feel good about. Please note the 12kg bag contains large kibble.

  • 40% salmon with beetroot, apple, mango & blackcurrant
  • 100% natural, meat meal & grain-free, complete nutritional food for adult dogs
  • Delicately shaped and baked at a low-temperature to lock in the goodness
  • Probiotics for gut health and better digestion
  • Our whole range is recyclable & our kibble bags are 100% biodegradable
  • 10% of our profits donated to help less fortunate cats and dogs

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  • 5

    Posted by VMOXFORD63 on 19th May 2020

    Packaging nice & cheery. Dog loves it and there is never any left. I mix it with the same wet food and it's a perfect match.

  • 5
    Really good quality food - good range

    Posted by Kayt1402 on 17th Feb 2020

    I've got 3 dogs and all 3 in the past have had individual foods. I'm not a dog food expert - but you really can tell the foos is excellent quality. Its not crumbly and cheap - you can smell the individual ingedients and all 3 of mine absolutley love it. You cna normally tell when it comes out the other end if its good or bad.. (sorry!) previous foods have made my bigger dog a bit gassy and smelly. Nothing with this - and their coats look great. Their treats are a big hit too! I'd recommend this to anyone looking for a complete dog food.