Feliway Cystease Advanced Urinary Tract Supplement


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If your cat suffers with Idiopathic Cystitis it is important to identify stressors in the environment and reduce the impact of these. Idiopathic cystitis commonly occurs in cats which have an exaggerated response to stress and may have a deficiency in the protective layer which lines the bladder wall.

Feliway Cystease contains N-acetyl glucosamine and hyaluronic acid which help support the bladder lining and L-tryptophan is known to have a calming effect in cats. For optimal results use alongside Feliway Classic to help target the stress related symptoms. Easy to use, capsules may be given whole or broken open and mixed with food.

19 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    Fantastic product

    Posted by J F Potten-May on 21st Dec 2016

    My cat Marilyn who's 6 years old has been struggling to go to the toilet for sometime now. I went to the vet who told me he has cystitis which is down to stress. Within 2 days of using this product, he was able to go for a wee comfortably. He is also a lot brighter in himself. Highly recommended.

  • 5
    Très bon produit - Feliway Cystease Advanced - Chat

    Posted by Nathalie on 28th Nov 2016

    Ma Kanelle fait des cystites idiopathiques, c'est 1chat très stressé je ne savais + comment faire et ne voulais pas lui donner des antidépresseur elle m'en a fait 3 mois de suite aller-retour veto, j'ai vu que ce produit existait je l'ai trouvé sur le net aucun véto en France ne m'en a parlé et l'ai donc essayé. Depuis 15 jours je lui donne 2 gélules par jour 1 matin et 1 soir que j'ouvre et lui mélange avec ses croquettes, elle qui est très méfiante en générale a mangé sans problème (car la poudre n'a ni gout ni odeur l'idéal) elle va beaucoup mieux j'en suis ravie. je l'associé à un diffuseur feliway. Je continue 2 gélules 1 semaine de plus et ensuite 1 par jours pour l'entretien. mon vétérinaire m'a donné son feu vert car ce sont des compléments alimentaire. donc sans effet néfaste pour l'organisme. Surtout laisser de l'eau à disposition à votre matou dans plusieurs pièces de votre appartement ou maison moi elle en a dans ma chambre et la cuisine.

  • 5
    My cat

    Posted by Mrs C Harris on 22nd Nov 2016

    My cat was completely blocked and couldn't wee. He had to be flushed through to clear it and has been put on cystease permanently to keep him clear. It is working well and he is now comfortable and happy . This combined with a change of food is working wonders.

  • 5
    So far so good

    Posted by M Featherstone on 23rd Oct 2016

    This product was recommended to me recently by my vet as my cat doesn't seem to be able to go more than 2 months without an attack of cystitis. It is still early days in using this product but so far I am pleased and it seems to be working. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who has a cat with the same problem as you get to the stage where anything is worth a try. She has been on Cystease capsules for a few weeks now and they do seem to be helping her.

  • 4
    First Class product.

    Posted by A Taylor. on 31st Jul 2016

    My Persian cat had chronic cistitus, for which he needed cathiterising, the vet prescribed cistease as a maintainace precaution. He went on to live another ten years cistitus free, it's a great product that really works.

  • 5

    Posted by Casson Sophie on 20th Mar 2016

    Très bon produit pour mon chat qui souffrait de cystite. Je lui ai donné après un traitement donné par le vétérinaire pour traiter une inflammation de la vessie, ces comprimés ont aidé mon chat à retourner uriner dans sa litière et non ailleurs. De plus quand la gélule est cassé et répartie sur les croquettes le chat en mange sans difficulté car elle n'a aucune odeur et pas de gout. Je recommande ce produit

  • 5
    Helped my cat with chronic cystitis

    Posted by missmoneypenny on 1st Sep 2015

    So pleased my vet recommended this product. My cat has been cystitis free for about 2 months now and counting. My cat kept on getting an infection every two weeks, had various tests and lots of antibiotics.

  • 5
    Great stress relieving product

    Posted by Jules34 on 28th Aug 2014

    Brilliant product, we have a big burly male cat who on the outside would take on the world but is easily upset if things in his environment change and cystitis in male cats can be dangerous, we give him one capsule daily and have had no reacurrence of cystitis since.

  • 5

    Posted by Janet Vaughan on 30th May 2014

    My cat has been taking one capsule every other day for 10 years, to keep his bladder lining healthy. I am convinced that, due to the glucosamine content, this produce has kept his joint healthy. He is 16 and overweight, but still jumps on to the worktop with no effort.