FURminator® Undercoat deShedding tool for medium long hair dogs removes loose hair from shedding up to 99%. FURminator® provides grooming confidence with a safe, easy-to-understand system of grooming products. The FURminator range offers high performance, innovative solutions across deShedding, grooming, hair collection and hygiene to help reduce loose pet hair and promote pets' healthy skin and coat.
- Stainless steel deShedding edge reaches through topcoat to safely and easily remove loose undercoat hair without damaging topcoat
- Skin Guard® glides over skin, allowing even pressure to be applied
- FURejector® button releases hair with ease, making deShedding easier than ever
- Edge Guard protects teeth when tool is stored
19 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
5 Does a excellent Job
Posted by Jackdaw on 14th Dec 2019
I bought the Furminator after trying various other brushes and mitts for my 6yr old nervous Border Collie. It worked a treat, she was quite quite happy to let me comb her with it. I was amazed at all the hair it removed, no more clumps of hair left on the carpet and i'm sure she felt and looked better. I would recommend this product it really does do a good job.
5 Brosse fulminator poils longs
Posted by SOETEMONDT Isabelle on 9th Jun 2019
Très bon produit, mes louloutes apprécient le moment du brossage.
5 Brosse furminator pour chien
Posted by Brin on 19th Apr 2019
Très pratique ma Loulou l 'apprecie
5 Excellent grooming tool
Posted by Jenny on 11th Jan 2019
I already had a smaller type &;furminator; which really didn't do a good job. Really glad I got this one as Tilly is a long haired retriever and it works really well, takes away the soft undercoat which she is shedding at the moment.
5 Incroyable!
Posted by Milou on 21st Jun 2018
Un super outil pour mon chien Sam qui a des poils longues et soyeux. Il aime bien que je le brosse avec le furminator et il se gratte presque plus maintenant et une maison presque sans poils!
5 Unsere Hunde lieben es...
Posted by Alexa82 on 18th Aug 2015
Der Furminator ist bei uns schon seit vielen Jahren im Dauereinsatz. Nun wurde es Zeit für ein neues Modell, da der alte Furminator stumpf wurde. Nach gut 7 Jahren und 3 Hunden, ist das aber eine tolle Leistung. Der Neue ist spitze und die Hunde stehen richtig an, um endlich "gestreichelt" zu werden. Wir würden ihn immer wieder kaufen. Tolles Produkt!!!
5 Lo más efectivo que he probado
Posted by JavierLobo on 29th Jun 2015
Mi perro (mestizo de pastor alemán y mastín) tiene unas mudas brutales y el Furminator es la única herramienta de este tipo que realmente me sirve para eliminar todo ese pelo sobrante y que el bicho esté a gusto y no llene la casa de pelos. Increíblemente efectivo. Fácil de usar y limpiar gracias a su botoncito para soltar el pelo del peine. Imprescindible.
5 Review
Posted by Lou on 8th Jul 2014
I was hesitant to buy this at first as I thought it was quite expensive. However, it has been worth every penny.
5 Review
Posted by may on 7th Oct 2013
Vraiment époustouflant d' efficacité! J'ai acheté cette brosse pour ma petite chienne a poils mi longs avec un sous poil abondant ce qui rend les brossages fastidieux. J'ai testé toute sorte de brosses (9 chats,1 chien et 2 lapins ŕ la maison autant dire que les séances de brossage je connais)mais a