Gelert Country Choice Grain-free Turkey & Veg Dry Dog Food


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A complete and balanced Grain Free food for dogs, made using a hypo-allergenic formula with no added Rice, Wheat, Beef, Pork or Dairy. Grain Free dog food replaces the grain with other starches like sweet potato, potato and peas. Some of the most common dog allergy problems can be associated with a grain based diet. A higher protein, lower carbohydrate diet also comes closer to the canines natural diet as a carnivorous animal. Benefits you may see from a grain free diet include fewer allergies, less waste, more energy and better health.

We make our premium foods using small batch techniques. We source local ingredients of the highest quality. We make all our foods to ensure uncompromising food safety. We provide nutritional foods that may help support health and wellbeing. We 100% guarantee our food to be fresh, wholesome and safe.

  • Turkey #1 Ingredient - Meat based diet of delicious protein
  • Sweet Potato - Highly digestible and source of dietary fibre
  • Higher Protein - Closer to natural diet as carnivorous animal
  • Omega 6 - Helps to maintain a healthy skin and coat
  • No Grains - Helps to ease digestive and allergy problems
  • Glucosamine and Chondroitin - Helps support safe joint growth