Healthy Paws British Turkey & Millet Adult Dog Food

Healthy Paws

£12.79 - £54.40
(1 review) Write a Review

Completely balanced, natural nutrition, wheat and wheat gluten free. Health Paws recipes incorporate natural botanicals and pre-biotics offering premium nutrition, digestibility and great flavour. Ideal for fussy eaters, this wheat and wheat gluten free dog food is very palatable. Its wheat free hypoallergenic ingredients help prevent habitual paw chewing and licking caused by food intolerances. A cluster of special natural ingredients, including DL-M helps to limit the amount of lawn burn. This recipe is naturally high in vitamin C and anti-oxidants which means it supports the urinary tract and immune system.

  • Reduced flatulence
  • Helps prevent lawn burn
  • Aids flea & worm prevention
  • Prevents paw chewing
  • Ideal for fussy eaters
  • Supports the immune system & urinary tract

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  • 4
    No more upset stomach

    Posted by Gill Wilson on 17th Jan 2022

    Our eldest dog has always had a problem with wind and its got worse with age. This is the only dog food that makes it easy to be in the same room as her