Chicken recipe dry, large breed dog food, with high-quality protein to build lean muscle, glucosamine & chondroitin for healthy joints and mobility, and vitamin E & omega-6s for healthy skin & coat. Big dogs have their own set of nutrition needs, so Hill's Science Plan Large Breed Adult dog food with Chicken is specially formulated to fuel the energy needs of large breed dogs during the prime of their life. Made with high-quality, easy-to digest-ingredients, this food made for fully grown large dogs supports the building of lean muscle with high-quality protein, as well as glucosamine and chondroitin for healthy joints & mobility. A balanced blend of omega-6s and vitamin E nourishes your dog's skin for a healthy, shiny coat. There’s more to love with the new look of Science Plan. Some of our products also have new names, new kibble shapes & new formulas.
- A dry dog food specially formulated to fuel energy needs of large adult dogs
- Supports your grown dog's joint health with natural sources of glucosamine & chondroitin
- Maintain your large adult dog's healthy skin and shiny coat with nourishing Omega-6s & vitamin E
- Promotes lean muscle in large dogs with high-quality protein
- Made with high quality ingredients
- Veterinarian Recommended
9 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Willis's breakfast
My young Mastiff Cross constantly suffered random upset tummies until I changed to this diet. It suits him beautifully and we very rarely have a problem now. He is strong, active and has a beautiful coat. Thank you Hills
Happy dog means happy owner
Our two flatcoats love this food and are healthy and happy with lovely coats - what more could we want
Excellent product!
My labs have sensitive stomachs and this is the best food for them and such a great price too!
Es ist alles zu unserer Zufriedenheit
Es ist alles zu unserer Zufriedenheit
Excellent product!
My Lab had always had a sensitive stomach until I bought this product. I couldn’t be happier!
Super produit
Ce produit est de très bonne qualité à un prix très compétitif Merci de continuer dans ce sens
alles bestens
alles bestens, wie immer
The Boys
George and Charlie are adopted Bernese mountain dogs who eat Hills Science Plan, when I tried them with another popular brand of food Charlie got an upset stomach, so we stay with Hills
Labrador love!
My 3 year old Labrador loves this food! If she could dish it up herself she would (frequently)!