Iams for Vitality Adult Light in Fat Dry Dog Food - Chicken


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IAMS for Vitality Light in Fat for all breed adult and senior dogs is a 100% complete and balanced expert nutrition that helps to support your dog's 7 signs of healthy vitality whilst managing your canine companion's weight. All of this packed into a tasty recipe with 69% animal protein (out of total protein) for your pet to enjoy every day.

Dog food for overweight dogs with up to 85% of animal protein to support 7 signs of healthy vitality, Antioxidant blend with Vitamin E to help support the immune system of your dog, Crunchy kibbles and tailored mineral levels for healthy teeth, Dog food lovingly developed with vets and over 70 years experience, Wheat free pet food with no fillers, artificial colours, flavours or GMOs.

  • Supporting 7 signs of healthy vitality
  • IAMS for Vitality Light in Fat with fresh chicken for adult and senior dogs of all breed sizes is a 100% complete and balanced pet food that nourishes your dog's healthy vitality
  • Contains 30% less fat vs. IAMS Dog adult small and medium with fresh chicken
  • Strong immune system Contains antioxidant blend with vitamin C & E to help the immune system
  • Strong muscles With high quality animal protein and essential minerals to help maintain strong muscles
  • Healthy digestion Tailored fibre blend including prebiotics and beet pulp for healthy digestion
  • Healthy skin & coat Contains Omega 3 & 6 to support healthy skin and shiny coat
  • Healthy teeth Crunchy kibbles and tailored mineral levels for healthy teeth
  • Strong bones Enriched with essential minerals and vitamin D to support strong bones
  • Healthy heart Formulated with key nutrients to help nourish the heart
  • 69% animal protein (out of total protein)
  • No fillers, artificial colours, flavours or GMOs
  • Wheat free (produced in a factory that handles wheat)

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  • 5
    worked for my dogs weight loss

    Posted by sara bathgate on 18th Nov 2022

    my greedy puggle is on this and lost what she needed to, alongside her exercise. we had a 16 yr old dog too who lost weight with iams light as he could not exercise much. iams is the only food i give/gave my dogs as it does not upset stomach and decent firm poos.

  • 5
    Suits my fussy Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

    Posted by AnnieD on 6th Jan 2022

    Took ages to find something my girl would willing eat. Eventually tried this and she loves it,also keeps her weight level being light in fat