James Wellbeloved Gluten-free Senior Dry Dog Food - Chicken & Rice

James Wellbeloved

£10.50 - £59.68
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We've taken a handful of nature's nourishing ingredients and combined them with flavourful chicken for highly digestible, quality protein dog food. Then, using all our knowledge and experience, we've added all the vitamins and minerals your pet needs to stay happy, healthy and full of life.

  • Hypoallergenic dog food for pets with sensitivities
  • Selected natural ingredients*
  • No added artificial flavours, colours or antioxidants
  • Dry dog food 15kg adult with a single source animal protein
  • Recipe excludes common allergens beef, pork, soya, eggs, dairy & wheat
  • Natural prebiotics for mature dogs healthy digestion
  • Senior dog food with vitamin e & minerals to support mature dogs immune system
  • With essential amino acids to help maintain healthy hearts
  • Chicken Dog Food Meal - A delicious source of protein.
  • Brown & White Rice - A highly digestible carbohydrate.
  • Alfalfa - A natural source of fibre and the antioxidant beta carotene.
  • Chicory Extract - Prebiotic inulin helping maintain the gut flora.
  • Yucca - For less smelly poos.
  • Chondrotin & Glucosamine - Generally believed to support healthy joints.