Made with 43% delicious turkey, trout and white fish, this grain free recipe is packed with the highest levels of joint care supplements to give your wise and wonderful friend the most nutritious dinner around. At Lily's Kitchen, we believe pets deserve to eat proper food that's full of nourishing ingredients, which is even more important for dogs in their golden years. We use only freshly prepared meat and fish with wholesome vegetables, and our nutritious botanical herbs. This food is also a good source of all the essential vitamins and minerals your dog needs in their daily diet.It has everything your dog needs to stay healthy. Serve it at room temperature with a bowl of fresh water nearby.
- Nutritionally complete, grain free, dry dog food - specially created for senior dogs 8 years +
- Made with 43% freshly prepared meat: 17% turkey, 13% trout, 13% white fish
- We’ve selected some wonderful ingredients to support your senior dog’s health including green lipped mussels
- There’s lots of extra glucosamine and chondroitin in this recipe to help support your dog’s joints stay strong and supple
- Natural ingredients with no added sugar or fillers
- Made with proper meat
- No meat meal or fillers
- Grain-free recipe
- Complete nutrition