Liquivite Kitten Wet Cat Food


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Liquivite may be used to feed and rehydrates sick, convalescent, post-operative or anorexic cats, which cannot or will not take solids or drink liquids. Liquivite is smooth enough for syringe feeding when appetite is absent, and readily consumed as appetite returns. Importantly, Liquivite may help to replace fluid when dehydration has occurred, or is a risk.

Essential vitamins and minerals are included, at levels suitable for cats under stress conditions. Liquivite contains fish oil, supplying Omega 3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which may boost the immune system. A pre-biotic is included, to feed the beneficial bacteria in the gut and rosemary may act as a natural anti-oxidant, is also added, as is yeast.

  • Levels of vitamins and minerals meet the requirements of the cat when under stress conditions
  • The meats, eggs, milk and yeast provide a balanced amino acid profile in a readily assimilated peptide form. The yeast also contributes B vitamins content and is a source of nucleotides
  • Fish Oils provide omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, important to the immune system
  • The natural anti-oxidant has a two-fold role, firstly it may preserve the food against fat oxidation, and then once absorbed act in the animal's body to protect it against free radicals
  • The pre-biotic, may profeed and promote the beneficial bacterial population of the intestine
  • Cereals, poorly utilised by cats, are not included in Liquivite
  • Of the copper inclusion, 30% is chelated, to make it more available to the animal
  • Taurine is added, which may be particularly important in perfecting eyesight in cats

29 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5

    Posted by Beatrice on 13th Feb 2017

    Meine alte Dame frisst nicht mehr alles und da habe ich durch Zufall dieses Produkt gefunden. Sie nimmt es super an. Schlecken geht noch aber fressen ist immer so ne Sache. Super Produkt.

  • 5
    Liquivite For Cats

    Posted by K. Slattery. on 23rd Dec 2016

    We have found Liquivite is easy for our elderly cat to drink. It is an excellent dietary food and contains nutrients that are essential for an elderly cat. We would rate this product 5 star.

  • 4
    prima Futter

    Posted by Brigitte on 4th Nov 2016

    Läßt sich gut füttern. Ich gebe es meiner erwachsenen Katze damit ich sie wieder ein bischern aufpäppeln kann, da sie im Moment nicht gut frißt.

  • 5
    Excellent for Senior Cats with Kidney Disease and Occasional Stomach Problems

    Posted by Patricia J on 11th Oct 2016

    My senior cat who is now 17 has Diabetes, Chronic Renal Disease and grain allergy. Liquivite has become an essential in keeping her fit and healthy despite her senior diseases. It contains no grains or added phosphorus, so it's great for CRD cats who often have problems eating,and get easily dehydrated, especially as it contains essential taurine, omega 3s and probiotics. I add a teaspoon of mashed pumpkin or butternut squash to it when my cat is constipated and it soon settles her stomach and gets her regular again. The image shows a small can, but the 395g is actually a large can, which contains a few servings - it can even be taken out of the can and frozen for later use! The price on Medic Animal is very reasonable, probably the cheapest online I've seen it.

  • 5
    magic life saver

    Posted by J&H on 5th Aug 2016

    my CKD cat sometimes won't eat her other food and just licks gravy, this means I can replace the gravy and guarantee she gets her meds. every drop of this is always gone and our vet says it's okay as a supplement for a ckd cat too :) wouldn't be without it now

  • 5
    amazing product

    Posted by sweetpearae on 29th Jul 2016

    My cat Samson has fiv and ckd, he's appetite is poor and he has been losing weight...first small bowl of this was licked clean in seconds!!! A true miracle!!

  • 4
    Liquide Ford for cats

    Posted by Lambert on 16th Apr 2016

    Es hat mir schon sooft geholfen bei Katzen die nach Op nicht fressen wollten zu stabilisieren ich habe immer einen Vorrat ..und die kleiner Dose ist besser

  • 5
    Très appétant!

    Posted by Alixia on 12th Mar 2016

    J'ai acheté ce produit pour un chaton qui avait du mal à prendre du poids, et quelle bonne surprise! L'aliment est très appétant, ma chatonne s'est jetée dessus, l'odeur n'est pas désagréable et la texture est très liquide. J'aurais aimé trouvé l'aliment en boite plus petite cependant. Mais on peut apparemment le congeler pour s'en servir plus tard. Je recommande! J'en rachèterai pour mes femelles après mise bas ou en convalescence.

  • 5

    Posted by Carlos5 on 9th Jan 2014

    Lo tenia de "por si acaso" y al final lo he usado con mi gato. Estuvo con una gastrinteritis muy fuerte, vomitando y sin comer...con este líquido empezó a comer poco a poco y mejoró de forma espectacular. Medicanimal, como siempre, 100% perfectos. Precios fantascticos y un gran servicio de atencion