Nature's Variety Meat Boost Dry Dog Food - Norwegian Salmon

Nature's Variety

£17.09 - £80.99
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Gently freeze-dried, real fish pieces with delicious grain-free kibble made from deboned Norwegian Salmon as the main ingredient and nutritious superfoods. The pinnacle of natural dry food combining gently freeze-dried, real fish pieces with delicious grain-free kibble made from deboned Norwegian Salmon as the main ingredient and nutritious vegetables and superfoods. Discover a better way to feed dry with Meat Boost, marrying the convenience of kibble with the power and taste of freeze dried.

High Meat Bite

Made and formulated with premium quality boneless Norwegian Salmon as the primary ingredient. Combined with a selected blend of selected vegetables, fruits and botanicals to provide a complete and balanced nutrient-rich meal your dog will love.

Freeze Dried Fish

Premium quality boneless fish, freeze dried to lock in goodness and flavour for optimal digestion and outstanding taste. A no grain, no cereal recipe, suitable for adult dogs. We only use premium quality meat cuts and wholesome ingredients in our pet foods, and absolutely no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. All of our complete and balanced recipes are veterinary approved and made to PFMA and FEDIAF guidelines. Each dog is unique and daily amounts should be adapted to your dog’ body condition, level of activity and appetite. Daily exercise is recommended to keep your dog in a good physical condition.