Nature's Variety Selected Medium/Large Adult Dry Dog Food - Free Range Chicken

Nature's Variety

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Nature's Variety Selected for medium and large-size dogs is a complete and balanced dry dog food with a difference. Its high-meat recipe features quality, deboned free range chicken as the main ingredient with a blend of wholesome fruit, vegetables and botanicals. No artificial flavours, colours or preservatives and no grain. Just quality, natural ingredients that are rich in nutrients to support your dog's health and wellbeing. To give your dog an extra nutritional boost, we carefully select natural superfoods like berries, chickpeas and rosemary to support your dogs natural functions from shiny teeth and coat to better digestion. If you're looking for a medium breed dog food that's convenient and packed with goodness, look no further. All our complete and balanced recipes are veterinary approved and made to PFMA and FEDIAF guidelines.

  • Strong teeth and bones
  • Support immune system
  • Shiny coat and healthy skin
  • Deboned meat