Nutri-Plus Gel for Dog & Cat


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Nutri-Plus Gel is a handy nutritional supplement for dogs and cats that can deliver your pet a daily boost of essential vitamins and minerals. Your pet’s nutritional needs change at each stage of their life. When they’re young, dogs and cats need plenty of energy and protein-rich food to fuel their running and playing, while older pets benefit more from rest and a balanced diet. There are plenty of things you can do to keep your pet in the best of health, including supplementing your pet’s diet and healthy lifestyle with this handy gel. As it’s so delicious, all you’ll have to do is feed it directly from your hand or pop it on top of their dinner. Packed full of essential vitamins and minerals, it’s well suited to pregnant and lactating pets, as well as rapidly developing kittens and puppies and pets recovering after an operation.

  • Supports a healthy lifestyle with vitamins and minerals
  • Supports to pregnant and lactating pets, as well as those recovering from surgery
  • Tasty flavour to tempt dogs and cats
  • Suitable for feeding alone or with food
How it Works

This nutritional supplement is suitable for both dogs and cats and is packed with all the essential vitamins and minerals they need to keep them in the peak of health. Their skin and coat are taken care of thanks to vitamins A, D and E, while calcium and magnesium promote strong bones and deliver a boost of energy. It’s recommended that you feed your pet one to two teaspoons per five kilograms of their bodyweight every day to keep them feeling their best.

22 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5

    Posted by anonymous on 16th Jul 2013

    Tres bon produit , tres appetent . Je l'utilise réguličrement pour mon shi tzu qui est en etat de cachexie : ne se nourrissait plus et etait dans un état de maigreur extrčme suite ŕ une grave insuffisance cardiaque ; depuis , mange un peu , a retrouvé de la vitalité et ses poils qu'elle avait perdus

  • 5

    Posted by Heidi on 5th Feb 2013

    This product is useful for bitches in whelp or geriatric patients in need of a little extra support without the need to bulk out on lots of food. It is useful for a dog or a cat recovering from illness and needs to regain its strength. If your pet isnt eating too well then give this a go. (it helps to put a little dab of the gel on the dog or cats paws to encourage them to clean themselves OR just simply put some on your finger to lick off!) I keep some in the cupboard all the time for "just in case"!!

  • 5

    Posted by anonymous on 12th Jul 2012

    j'utilise se produit à très petite dose pour mes furets j'ai pas vue d'autre complément aussi complet . ( même pour des furets nourrie aux proies ) le produit et parfait ces comme tout il ne faut pas en abusé

  • 5

    Posted by anonymous on 9th Sep 2011

    Excellent produit , Livraison rapide , je suis éleveuse de chats je l'ai acheté pour un de mes chatons qui souffre d'Anémie ( sur les conseils de mon véto ), le chaton reprend vite du poids et à bien plus d'energie , il retrouve gout a la vie merci medicanimal