Oxbow Bunny Basics Adult Rabbit Food


£9.59 - £23.06
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All rabbits need high fiber to keep their digestive systems working properly, plus basic vitamins and minerals to maximize their health. Bunny Basics - Adult Rabbit Food combines needed fiber with stabilized nutrients to assure a well-balanced diet when served with Oxbow loose grass hays. Oxbow Animal Health’s founder and owner John Miller created the industry’s first timothy hay-based food for rabbits and other small herbivores, the basis of Essentials - Adult Rabbit Food.

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  • 5

    Posted by San on 30th Mar 2013

    I have been using this for a number of years. It is hay based and helps the digestive sytems of buns and is natural. Gives the bunnies a lovely shiny coat too. I did have a non-hay eating bunny and it definitely helped his digetive system! My other buns do like their hay and have this to supplement them.