Pedigree dry complete puppy/junior chicken and rice 12kg dry dog food is 100% complete and balanced and made with selected natural ingredients, plus vitamins and minerals, delivering everything that is essential to fuel all puppies’ exuberant love of life.
Pedigree dry puppy/junior food recipes are made with natural ingredients, vitamins and minerals to be 100% complete and balanced.
Oral Care: Pedigree puppy/junior food dry contains the right amount of calcium to support healthy teeth development. The kibbles size is specially designed to fit puppies' jaws.
Natural Defenses Support: Pedigree complete dog food recipe contain vitamin E to support natural defences, so your puppy can get on with exploring the big wide world.
Healthy Digestion: Our complete dry dog food products contain natural fibres and high quality protein, which supports a healthy digestion.
Growth And Protection: Complete puppy/junior food formulated with zinc and sunflower oil, a natural source of omega 6 fatty acids, that will help nourish their skin and coat. All Pedigree core dry dog food recipes are made with no palm oil and sourced with care. Pedigree dry chicken dog food contains no added artificial flavours. Dry dog food developed with our nutritionists and veterinarians from The Waltham petcare science Institute 100% recyclable. Together, we can reduce the environmental impact of our dry dog food packaging.