Perfect Fit Extra Small and Small Junior <1 Dry Dog Food - Chicken

Perfect Fit

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Perfect Fitâ„¢ is advanced dry dog food nutrition designed to nurture your dog's youthful spirit throughout their life. Developed with our vets and pet nutritionists, Perfect Fitâ„¢ large dog food combines 5 benefits addressing 5 of the most common health needs of all dogs, regardless of age or lifestyle, in its unique Perfect Fitâ„¢ total 5 formula to provide all-around protection.

The Perfect Fit dog dry adult range is additionally formulated with a blend of fibres known to promote good stool quality, so you can be sure your dog is getting expert nutrition for a healthy life. What's more, our adult dog food products are made with high quality proteins, so we can safely say that your dog will enjoy eating them too!

  • Perfect Fit dried dog kibble is a complete and balanced large adult dog food, your dog will enjoy the crunch and flavour of this kibble dog food
  • A delicious chicken dog food, Perfect Fit dried kibble large dog food provides a crunchy meal, made with high quality proteins, to satisfy their appetite
  • Perfect Fitâ„¢ < 10kg Junior dry dog food is specially formulated with a blend of fibres known to promote good stool quality
  • Delicious chicken flavour dry dog kibbles help your dog retain their youthful spirit day after day
  • You can feel confident feeding your adult dog Perfect Fit complete adult dog food
  • High quality adult dog food developed with veterinarians from the waltham centre for pet nutrition
  • A large dog food made with no artificial colourants