The Perfect Fitâ„¢ dog dry sensitive product is expert nutrition designed to provide healthy gut support for your dog. Perfect Fitâ„¢ dog dry sensitive dog food is developed with our vets and pet nutritionists and contains prebiotics to help stimulate a healthy gut flora. Made without wheat or soya, sources of digestive discomfort.
- Sensitive dry dog food for healthy gut support
- With added prebiotics to help stimulate a healthy gut flora
- Dog food for sensitive stomachs, made without wheat or soya, known to be common sources of digestive discomfort for sensitive dogs
- Perfect Fitâ„¢ dog dry sensitive dog food is rich in turkey
- A highly digestible protein that is gentle on the stomach and easy to digest
- Developed with our vets and pet nutritionists, combining 5 benefits addressing health needs of dogs, regardless of age or lifestyle, in the unique Perfect Fitâ„¢ Total 5 formula
- Dry dog food formulated with high quality proteins to support healthy digestion