Pet Life Safebed Coloured J Cloths Flake Sachets


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Safe Bed SAFE BED is a range of pure disposable bedding developed for all pets, from gerbils to Great Danes. It is manufactured from the highest quality; non-toxic raw materials to a standard already used in the food industry. Paper Flakes A finely shredded coloured bedding and nesting material suitable for all small pets.

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    Posted by Janet Williams on 25th Nov 2012

    I use this, a bedding material made up of pieces of J cloths & the fluff sachets for my ferrets bedding, they either drag the stuff into their bed & snuggle up together in it or make a nest out of it & snuggle up together, they love it! It keeps them nice & warm, even in the Summer I use it, only not as much as in the Winter. Downsides - when they get wet they stick to anything & don't want to come off! also they're very light & blow around the garden a little if it's windy when I'm cleaning out.