Pet Remedy Calming Pre-Wash

Pet Remedy

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Product details

We know that grooming can be a stressful activity for you and your pet. Using the unique, clinically proven pet remedy blend of Valerian, Vetiver, Basil and Clary Sage essential oils, we have created our Pet Remedy Calming Pre-wash to help reduce stress during bath time.

The fast-acting pet remedy calming ingredients will help settle your pet in preparation for shampooing and the effective coconut derived ingredients help de-tangle and lift dirt and oils to start the cleansing process.

The formula is pH balanced and created using natural ingredients, avoiding parabens and other harsh chemicals.

Can also be used as a rinse-free, interim wash.


How to use

Before bathing your pet, spray generously and massage into the coat to break down the build up of dirt and natural oils. Continue to wash your pet as usual with Pet Remedy Calming Shampoo.

To use as a rinse-free interim wash: Apply as above and then gently massage with a warm towel.

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  • 4
    Dog (and cat) seems to like it!

    Posted by Louise on 22nd Nov 2022

    Its got a strong smell to it, but my dog does seem to like it and it works well at helping to remove dirt after a muddy walk. My cat also seems to love the smell and keeps rubbing her face on the bottle!!