Pooch & Mutt Shrimp and Coconut Coat Care Meaty Treat

Pooch & Mutt

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A complementary food for dogs. Natural^1 Ingredients. Over 99% natural ingredients shown in italics. As our food is made where grains may be present there's a tiny chance that some may have snuck in. We do everything in our power to prevent this. Packed with meaty deliciousness these tasty treats are bursting with added benefits to help give your pooch a healthy, glossy coat. Grain-Free, Junk-Free, Probiotic for Digestion, Collagen for Skin & Coat, Good Mood Food for Dogs.

  • Omega 3 From tasty shrimp, flaxseed & microalgae
  • Collagen Essential for the formation of healthy skin
  • Vitamins C, E, Zinc & Biotin, key coat care nutrients
  • Melon Extract Contains natural powerful antioxidants
  • Probiotics Helps digestion and nutrient uptake to maintain skin & coat quality