Pooch & Mutt Turkey & Duck Wet Dog Food

Pooch & Mutt

(2 reviews) Write a Review

Turkey & Duck with Carrots, Peas and Prebiotics. Grain and junk-free, Fresh & family-farmed, Natural, complete, delicious, Fresh ingredients and vegetables, Locally sourced, Family-farmed turkey and duck, Source of antioxidants, Boxed food is better, Peta - not tested on animals, Formulated free from grain cereal or gluten, Formulated free from artificial flavours, colours or preservatives, Formulated free from GM produce

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  • 5
    My dog loves these

    Posted by JessB on 4th Feb 2019

    Bought this last month to try for the first time, my dog licked his bowl clean he loved it. Also love that the boxes are recyclable (not always able to be recycled you will have to check local council)

  • 3
    Not so great to portion out

    Posted by Cookiedough on 13th Dec 2018

    I have to say my dog loved this but I didn't. I found it very hard to get all of the food out of the carton & there was a lot of jelly in there rather than meat. Also I'm confused as to the claim the carton is more recyclable than the tin. Our recycling people won't take these cartons so they go straight into landfill. At least with a can you can recycle the paper label and the tin. Might buy it if it is on offer but it doesn't sit well with me with the recycling part.