Protexin Cystophan Urinary Tract Supplement for Cat


(6 reviews) Write a Review

Cystophan is designed to support feline urinary health. Cats with feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC) are known to have deficiencies in the protective glycosaminoglycan (GAG) layer that lines the inside of the bladder. They also process stress in a different way to other cats. Cystophan contains N-acetyl D-glucosamine, hyaluronic acid, L-tryptophan ( for stress) and an artificial chicken flavouring.

The capsules can be given whole but it may be better to open the capsule(s) and sprinkle the contents onto the food to reduce the potential for causing stress. The oil content of most dry pet food normally allows the powder to coat the biscuits/kibble, but if not then a small amount of water can be added to encourage the powder to stick.

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  • 5

    Posted by Crazycats on 5th Aug 2020

    I have been trying ng this on my 9year old and 5year old cats for the whole of their lives as they both suffer with cystitis and it's a God send! They both have one every other day and if they show symptoms then I increase it to 2 a day for a week and it's stops the symptoms fast! I lost a cat to cystitis which was horrific so I will always use this on mine and any future cats I may have!

  • 5
    Great product for cats after urinary blockage

    Posted by Lionesslocs on 10th Feb 2020

    After a scary experience where our 5yr old neutered male cat almost died after getting a blockage, we realised we needed to find something to help his kidneys for the rest of his life as well as completely changing his diet. The vet said he would be incontinent permanently and gave us a 50% chance of survival after complications, two cather surgeries and a week vet admission. We researched and came across Cystophan which had great reviews. We started our boy on two capsules a day for 2weeks, and reduced it to once daily permanently after that. After nearly 2months I would say we have noticed a considerable difference and our cat is powering through. He is no longer incontinent and is back to his mischievous playful self. He has so far not had a reblockage and is passing urine as normal. With changing his diet also to wet food, adding warm water to create a soup and giving our cat omega fish oil everyday, our boy has never looked so healthy and you'd never guess the vet had advised us only 2months ago to have him put down!

  • 5
    Cystophan Capsuls

    Posted by M. Garwood on 19th May 2019

    Very good for my cat - delivery very quick have used these for some years now they do help my cat with her bladder problems

  • 5
    My cats

    Posted by Halfpibt on 24th Dec 2017

    It is a great product would definitely use again very good

  • 4
    Seems to be working.

    Posted by C. Price on 24th Jul 2017

    I started giving my elderly little cat Cystophan after she'd recovered from a bad urinary infection, and my Vet recommended it as maintenance to keep her waterworks healthy. She takes one capsule every other day and swallows it quite easily, this could also be broken in half and sprinkled over food. So far thankfully there have been no further health problems.

  • 4
    Good for idiopathic and stress related cystitis

    Posted by Alex00 on 26th Feb 2017

    My cat suffers from stress related cystitis and this helps. I would always rule out other potentially very serious causes of cystitis before using this.