Your dog has specific needs, and maintaining good oral health contributes positively to his overall well-being. That's why the experts at Purina® developed Purina® Dentalife®, a dental chew that is scientifically proven to help scrub even those hard-to-reach back teeth, that are the most vulnerable to plaque and tartar build up. Our dental chews are designed for daily usage, and every day chewing means more time cleaning.
- Daily oral care
- Chewy porous texture
- Helps clean even the hard to reach teeth
- Scientifically proven to help reduce tartar build-up
- Helps reduce plaque build-up
- Ridges to massage the gumline
- Contributes to fresh breath
- Deep clean with back of mouth action
- Wholesome ingredients (corn, wheat)
- With tasty chicken
- No added sugar
- Vitamin D & calcium for strong teeth
- Low in fat
- No added artificial flavourings or colourants
10 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
5 Dentalife
Posted by Mascolo on 26th Jan 2020
Mes deux Cavaliers adorent
5 Dentalife
Posted by anonymous on 24th Oct 2018
Ich gebe sie meinem Hund - einen Jack Russel Terrier, der 12,5 Jahre ist - und bekommt die Zahnstangen, seit er 3 Monate alt ist. Die Dentalife bekommt er, seit es die gibt. Ich bin begeistert, mein Hund erst recht. Jeden Abend bekommt er eine, seine Zähne sind weiß und kein Zahnstein. Alles wunderbar und kann ich nur empfehlen. Habe mir erstmal großen Vorrat angelegt. Mir ist es wichtig, dass da kein Zucker drin ist.
3 Hond eet ze graag
Posted by Willemijn on 20th Jul 2018
Hoe goed ze helpen de tanden te reinigen kan ik niet zo goed beoordelen, maar onze hond vindt ze erg leuk en lekker.
5 Dog Breath Gone!
Posted by Reenie on 16th Feb 2018
My dog had really smelly breath and yellow plague on his back teeth, probably from his poor diet on the streets being a rescue pup and I've tried lots of dental sticks to help clean them up. These are the most impressive so far! AND his breath is not dog breath anymore....yaay! Now I have to give them to my boyfriend lol.
5 Chewsome
Posted by Mr James Sweeney on 19th Nov 2017
My dog loves chewing them and they keep his teeth clean.
5 Dentalife
Posted by Jean-Jacques Jacobs on 15th Nov 2017
Mes 2 bichons femelles adorent ! Et à ce prix pourquoi les en priver ??
Posted by Edith on 10th Nov 2017
Mon chien les adore mais il les mange tellement vite que je ne sais pas si c'est vraiment efficace contre le tartre ! Produit pas assez dure à mon avis.
4 Bâtonnets à manger dentalife
Posted by BOULANGER Dominique on 12th Oct 2017
Joindre l'utile à l'agréable grâce à ces bâtonnets. Complément journalier idéal qui participe à l'hygiène dentaire. Sa texture moyennement ferme plait à ma petite Vanille qui n'aime pas les aliments trop durs. Excellent produit et excellent service de la part de Médic Animal que je connais depuis plusieurs années et auquel je reste fidèle.
4 Excelentes
Posted by Rosi on 24th Aug 2017
A mi pequeña amiga son las que mas le gustan,buena calidad y mejor precio.