Royal Canin Anallergenic Adult Dry Dog Food

Royal Canin

£31.49 - £69.99
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Complete dietetic feed for adult dogs.

A specially tailored diet can help to support dogs with nutrient intolerances or adverse food reactions. Royal Canin® Anallergenic is specially formulated nutritional solution, created with the specific needs of your dog in mind. This food is available in both 3kg and 8kg bags. Formulated with feather protein hydrolysate, Royal Canin® Anallergenic contains very low molecular weight oligopeptides and free amino acids. Larger proteins of a certain size are more likely to cause an allergic reaction. Low weight oligopeptides and free amino acids are proteins which have been broken into very small pieces to reduce the risk of them being able to cause a reaction in even the very sensitive of dogs and cats. Royal Canin® Anallergenic’s manufacturing process is specially designed to minimise contamination and restrict allergens. What’s more, the kibble is formulated with a purified starch source and a specially developed palatability enhancer to satisfy the appetites of even the fussiest dogs. Thanks to Royal Canin® Anallergenic’s specially formulated complex of nutrients, this food helps to support the natural protective barrier role of your dog’s skin for optimal skin health. The synergistic antioxidant complex included in Royal Canin® Anallergenic helps to neutralise free radicals and support the natural defences. As part of the Royal Canin® Veterinary Range, it is important that this product is only given to your pet when recommended by a veterinary professional. Nutritional management with Royal Canin® Anallergenic may be continued throughout your dog’s lifetime. It is recommended to divide the daily intake into 2 meals. At Royal Canin® we’re committed to providing nutritional solutions to your pet’s needs. All of our products undergo an extensive quality control process in order to guarantee the optimum quality of food, as well as catering to your dog’s specific dietary requirements and lifestyle. This means that when your dog eats Royal Canin® Anallergenic, it’s getting a complete and balanced diet.

Oligopeptides: Formulated with feather protein hydrolysate, containing very low molecular weight oligopeptides and free amino acids.

Allergen Restriction: Formulated with a purified starch source and specially formulated palatability enhancer. Manufacturing process designed to minimise contamination.

Skin Barrier: A specially formulated complex of nutrients to support the skin's natural protective barrier role and for optimal skin health.

Antioxidant Complex: A synergistic complex of antioxidants to help neutralise free radicals.

93 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    Good Service

    Posted by anonymous on 20th Jan 2017

    Just wanted to say what good service I've had so far from Pet Supermarket. When I bought the wrong food on my first order the money was refunded and product collected with no quibble. My last order was delivered free and next day. Thank you Pet Supermarket for excellent service

  • 5
    Hilfe kann einfach sein

    Posted by Willi Sonderhuesken on 10th Dec 2016

    Wenn man weiß, das sein Hund Allergiker ist, dann ist es eine Lösung. Ich bin eher ein Gegner von Trockenfutter, aber mein Paulchen kommt damit seit gut 2 Jahren prima klar. Das Fell glänzt und der Hund ist aktiv. Und das wichtigste ! Keine Koliken mehr, keine Magenkrämpfe und auch keine Blähungen mehr !

  • 5

    Posted by PABLO Michel on 24th Nov 2016

    depuis que mon petit chien de race York en mange, ces allergies sur la peau ont quasiment disparues. De plus, il les dévore de bon cœur.

  • 5
    Sehr gutes Hundefutter

    Posted by Monika on 21st Nov 2016

    Dieses diätische Hundefutter hat unseren Hund sehr geholfen. Sie hat sich den ganzen Tag gekratzt und seid wir dieses Hundefutter füttern, hat das Kratzen ein Ende. Wir können es nur weiter empfehlen aber bitte vorher unbedingt einen Tierarzt aufsuchen.

  • 5
    Tolles Produkt

    Posted by Stef on 4th Nov 2016

    Schäferhündin mit vielfacher Allergie verträgt dieses Futter super. Kein anderes mehr.

  • 5
    Royal Canin Anallergenic

    Posted by A Chambers on 4th Nov 2016

    My dog has a severe allergic skin condition, a mix of environmental and food allergies. This food is ideal to help keep her comfortable along with medications.

  • 4
    Nix anderes mehr, !

    Posted by Sabine on 4th Nov 2016

    Schäferhund Mädel frisst das Futter seit 2,5 Jahren , Allergie auf alles mögliche, Haut ok, wenig Jucken, -Kein Wechsel-solange es geht

  • 4
    Pienso Anallanergenic

    Posted by Victoria Talayero on 11th Jun 2016

    Pienso de gran calidad para mascotas con problemas de alergia.

  • 5
    Produkt ist gut bei einem empfindlichen Hundemagen

    Posted by Orsomarone12 on 11th Jun 2016

    Es ist ein tolles Futter. Unser Dackel hat doch gerade Morgens immer Probleme. Seitdem er dieses Futter brkommt, ist alles okay