Scalibor Collar for Small/Medium Dog


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The Scalibor Collar offers up to six months' protection against ticks, mosquitos and sand flies.

  • Deters ticks and sand flies for five to six months
  • Has an anti-feeding effect on mosquitos for up to six months
  • Patented technology releases insecticide/acaricide slowly
  • Odourless
  • Active ingredient, deltamethrin, safe for dogs
  • Safe for pets who are pregnant or lactating
  • Can be used on puppies aged seven weeks or older
  • Effective after one week
How it works

The Scalibor Collar uses a patented technology to slowly release chemicals that deter blood-sucking insects including mosquitos, sand flies and ticks through an anti-feeding effect which stops them from biting your pet. The active ingredient is deltamethrin, one of the safest types of insecticide. As it is generally effective after one week, the collar should be worn a week before likely exposure to infestation. Its odourless design makes it easy for your dog to adapt to wearing it and it is also safe for use on pregnant or lactating dogs.

Note that, although the collar works while wet, you should keep your dog out of the water while wearing, as the active ingredient is toxic to fish and other aquatic life. Your dog shouldn't swim for the first five days of wearing the collar.

When to use it

Some pests, like ticks, are at their worst during the summer months. Others, like mosquitos and sand flies, can pose a threat in hotter climes: a worry if you like to bring your pet abroad with you. Insect bites can be painful and itchy, but they can also result in serious blood-borne illnesses. Protects against phlebotomines sand flies which can transmit leishmaniosis. All of these have serious health consequences, so it's important to be vigilant.

306 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5

    Posted by GEMURCIA on 8th Mar 2015

    Si no quieres que tu mascota pille la Leishmaniosis, ponle el collar SCALIBUR.

  • 5
    Très bien, mais...

    Posted by FIDGET on 5th Mar 2015

    Collier reçu par lot de deux ( en promotion si achat de deux ) mais la date de péremption est très proche sachant qu'un collier se porte environ 5 à 6 mois!

  • 5

    Posted by TaraRedSand on 25th Feb 2015

    Es un producto realmente bueno. Una vez se lo pones a tu mascota, puedes estar seguro de que alejarás a garrapatas y pulgas aunque le lleves a menudo a pasear por el campo. Yo lo recomiendo sin ningún tipo de dudas

  • 5
    este producto responde a lo que dice, buen resultado

    Posted by layn on 23rd Feb 2015

    Scalibor es el mejor collar para prevenir el mosquito de la lehismania, incluso para garrapatas es el más eficaz lo recomiendo tanto para una cosa y la otra, a mi es el que más resultados me a dado siempre

  • 4

    Posted by Stann07 on 12th Feb 2015

    Résistant, dommage qu'il soit blanc car il se salit rapidement. Bcp moins de tique l’été dernier.

  • 4
    No problem

    Posted by Celia on 12th Feb 2015

    Lo he recibido dentro de los plazos normales y no he tenido nunca ningún problema.

  • 3
    Collar Scalibor

    Posted by elosina2001 on 28th Jan 2015

    Para mi, Scalibor me gusta porque no desprende olor como otros. El único fallo que le veo que es blanco y para un perro negro como el mío, se le nota mucho el contraste. Por tanto, al fabricante le pido que el collar esté en negro también con el tamaño de 65 cm.

  • 5
    Estupendo producto

    Posted by Lola8 on 28th Jan 2015

    Es la tercera vez que compro este producto en MedicAnimal y el envío perfecto, ningún problema y precio muy competitivo. Los collares son estupendos, sé que mi mascota está bien protegida.

  • 5
    Indispensable !!!!

    Posted by Nath on 16th Jan 2015

    Utilisé sur tous mes chiens depuis plus de 10 ans c'est LE collier qui protège des tiques !!!! J'ai changé au printemps, tentée par un nouveau collier anti-puces et anti-tiques, ma chienne a fait une piroplasmose !!!!! J'ai immédiatement jeté l'autre et racheté un scalibor.... Indispensable, je le change tous les 6 mois !