TRM Canigest Nutritional Paste for Dog


(12 reviews) Write a Review

Canigest Paste is a complementary feeding stuff for dogs and cats combining a probiotic, prebiotics, glutamine, kaolin and pectin. It is particularly suitable for feeding to dogs to assist in the nutritional management of digestive tract upsets. Probiotics may improve health conditions in dogs exposed to stress and infections. Studies have shown that supplementing prebiotics such as Fructo Oligosaccharides and Mannan Oligosaccharides can increase the number of friendly bacteria in the colon while reducing the population of harmful bacteria.

Kaolin and pectin act as adsorbants. Adsorbants work by binding to harmful bacteria and toxins and removing them from the gut. Stress on the intestinal cells caused by digestive tract upsets can increase the need for glutamine as the body replaces the cells lining the intestinal tract.

  • Enterococcus Faecium - useful nutritional agent in antidiarrheal therapy
  • Glutamine plays a role in the health of the immune system, digestive tract, and muscle cells. It acts as a mediator in the development of intestinal epithelial cells
  • Probiotics can help to re-establish levels of beneficial bacteria in the gut

12 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    Life saver

    Posted by Linda on 28th Oct 2019

    My dog has a delicate stomach, he gets colitis and won't eat. I Use Canigest once a day in his food. This keeps him happy and healthy and out of the vets.

  • 5
    Life saver

    Posted by Linda on 28th Oct 2019

    My dog has a delicate stomach, he gets colitis and won't eat. I Use Canigest once a day in his food. This keeps him happy and healthy and out of the vets.

  • 5
    Life saver

    Posted by Linda on 28th Oct 2019

    My dog has a delicate stomach, he gets colitis and won't eat. I Use Canigest once a day in his food. This keeps him happy and healthy and out of the vets.

  • 5
    Works Well

    Posted by Joan on 19th Sep 2018

    Canigest really does work for both my dogs.Who both have funny tummy.

  • 5
    Brilliant paste

    Posted by Sharon nile. on 28th Aug 2018

    We have two westie,one of them just eats it as you expel the paste,with both it works instantly,settling their tummies.

  • 5
    War skeptisch

    Posted by Michael Göllinger on 22nd Aug 2017

    Habe diesen Sommer nach einigen Arztbesuchen wegen Haarausfall und fahlem Haar bei einer Katze und Abszess bei einer anderen Katze auf Canigest zurückgegrifen und war nach anfänglicher Skepsis dem Produkt gegenüber, positiv überrascht. Der ersten Katze ist nach knapp zwei Wochen täglich einmaliger Gabe wieder vollständig das Fell nachgewachsen und glänzt wieder wunderschön. Bei der Katze mit dem Abszess ist die Wunde nicht mehr nässend und die ersten Härchen wachsen wieder. Ursache war wohl eine allergische Reaktion auf irgendeinen Stoff im Haushalt, welche zu den Sympthomen geführt hat, durch Aufnahme des Abschleckens des Fells und der Pfoten, welches so in den Magen/Darm kam. Jetzt werden im Haushalt noch einige Dinge geändert, um ein Wiederkehren der Sympthome auszuschließen. Ich kann Canigest echt empfehlen!

  • 5
    Gute und Preiswerte Produkte

    Posted by Ellen Meyer on 24th Feb 2017

    Gute und Preiswerte Produkte wie bei Medic Animal habe ich sonst nirgndwo gefunden .Vor allem die Medikamente für Magen Darm u.s.w. Immer wieder gerne.Ich bin sehr zu frieden .Danke.

  • 5

    Posted by Christine on 2nd Jan 2017

    For the runs, I get this all the time , its great.

  • 5

    Posted by pam on 15th Apr 2016

    When my boxer, who has multiple allergies, refuses breakfast because her tum swishes like a washing machine, just a dab of this stuff licked off my finger and then a bit put on her food, encourages her to eat and thus get rid of the gas build up. It's the best stuff I have tried, including lots from vet.