CA&T Sctatch & Paw combination Cat Scratcher with integrated interactive linear cat track ball game with multiple-single 'Paw access holes' enhancing fun. This is the ideal interactive cat entertainment centre. 100% recyclable and environmentally friendly.
Box contains:
- Integrated cat ball and track game
- Integrated cat scratch pad
- 2 x cat balls with bells and catnip sachet
20 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
1 Not for my Cats
Posted by Georginacatperson on 22nd Aug 2019
My Cats aren't impressed with this at all, which is a shame as they do play with other toys, sometimes one will sit on it, but otherwise I think I've played with the thing more than any of them trying to get them interested, my Cats are not the brightest though........
Posted by momacat on 24th May 2018
I bought this scratcher for my cat Shimbo a few weeks ago for his birthday. This is a replacement one for the same version Santa brought him, which he loved that much, he literally chewed to bits! This is definately his favourite toy!
5 Now on our third scratcher
Posted by MickeytheMoggy on 3rd Mar 2018
I didn't think my cat would play with this as he has his 'mice' (soft balls that he chases everywhere) but we are now on our third. It takes him about a month to eat away at the holes and get the balls out but this has become his mission in life now. Scratcher #1 has been chewed to bits so we now need to replace it. Scratcher 2 is half chewed. He says he likes a combination of a nice new unchewed scratcher and a scratcher that is work in progress. This sounds crazy I know. He's 5 years old and these things have turned him back into a kiten. They are thrown in the air, kicked and chewed, and he's in total heaven with the things. His face when he gets the balls out (which ends the game) is a picture. I'm so pleased I tried this and grateful that you stock them. I found them when looking to replace his usual plain scratcher.
5 Practical
Posted by dirtmother on 25th Jan 2018
Whether or not a particular cat will engage with a scratcher or toy is pretty random in my experience, although the inclusion of a sachet of catnip will help many in this case. The cat this was bought for enjoys just sitting on it as well as using it as a scratcher. It has lasted well, helped by good design. Being enclosed in a cardboard container you can turn the corrugated piece over, and the debris, when it eventually starts to break down, is enclosed.
4 Great thanks she love it !
Posted by Bunny on 21st Nov 2017
Brought a cat scratcher she love it and play with it all the time x !!
3 Great balls, rubbish scratcher
Posted by Buffy2017 on 22nd Oct 2017
My kitten loves trying to get the balls but is not interested in scratch the cardboard at all.
5 Great find, simple and effective
Posted by SuboJvR on 14th Sep 2017
Bought this initially to try and stop our rescues from scratching furniture/carpet. One took to it right away, very pleased! The other doesn't use it to scratch but seemingly following his brother's example now uses the scratching post. It took a while (shy boys), but now they are both obsessed with the ball game too, even playing together (usually one lets the other play if he shows interest in what he's doing). They eventually managed to tear the card and get the balls out when they then continued to play obsessively. Put them back in and they're back to playing with the toy! They love it, they bat the ball to one another, sometimes just chilling sitting on the scratchpad etc. I'm sure having a game they can play on their own has helped them to build their confidence in our home!
5 Ball games
Posted by Anonymous on 9th May 2017
Our new rescue cat got her claws into this as soon as it arrived, but has since stopped using it to scratch on (and unfortunately is scratching furniture and walls a bit), and uses it as her 'naughty step' to escape to. But she does love the ball game, and keeps coming back to it. It's quite cleverly made to amuse for a while, and try as she might, she can't pull the balls out.
4 My cat really likes this
Posted by mrsmonkeybird on 4th Apr 2017
Since this arrived a few days ago my cat has continually gone claw on this. He had one previously that was a bit small and really likes the fact he can crouch with all his feet on this (he's 5.5kg so quite a large cat). He's had a bop at the balls too. Very pleased