Naturo Light Chicken & Rice with Veg Dog Food


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  • Naturo light chicken & rice with veg dog food 400g
  • 100% natural ingredients, no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives using locally sourced meat
  • 100% natural wet food
  • If using the product for the first time, gradually introduce to your dog over a period of 10 days

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  • 5
    Good for dogs with pancreatic problems.

    Posted by Dawncbn on 3rd Oct 2020

    The product is good but I wasn’t happy with the way it was packaged. I ordered 99 packs of dog food. It was delivered over 3 boxes. Boxes too big so several were squashed which were no good. As they had been squashed air must have gotten into the product so it had become watery and food sloppy. My dog wouldn’t go near it. So I lost about 10 packets due to poor packaging, so I lost about £12. I would not recommend the product until they sort out the delivery.