Dual-Enzyme formulated poultry flavoured toothpaste specially formulated for cats and dogs. It is mildly abrasive, removing plaque, and contain the CET Dual Enzyme System which is designed to inhibit plaque-forming bacteria. They do not need to be rinsed away after application and are safe to swallow.
Mouth odours are quickly neutralised. Tooth brushing is the most effective method of removing plaque.
43 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
4 Poultry flavour Enzamatic toothpaste.
Posted by Marie Chatterton on 14th Sep 2018
This toothpaste is brilliant for my dog, he seems to look forward too having his teeth cleaned, he has them done twice a day, I use the Logic toothpaste before he goes to bed and the Virbac Enzamatic in a morning, he had to have 11 teeth out a few years ago and the vet advice cleaning them at least once a day, it seems to have helped massively because the vet expected to see him again within 2 years but fortunately with the help of this cleaning he hasn't been back yet, he was only about 4 or 5 and he is 11 now so thank you to the makers of this toothpaste and Medicanimal.
5 Enzymatic toothpaste Poultry flavour.
Posted by Marie Chatterton on 27th Jul 2018
This enzamatic toothpaste is excellent for our dog as in the past he has been troubled with his teeth, he had to have 11 teeth removed and the vetinarian said he expected to see him again within 5 years but I saw this toothpaste and read the reviews and it sounded brilliant so we have been buying it ever since, up to now he has nt needed to see the vet again with his teeth as they have improved loads.
4 Old dog; new tricks.
Posted by Isca on 29th Jun 2018
We taught our rescue dog, at 12!, to accept toothbrushing. Starting with letting him lick this toothpaste off a baby's toothbrush and building slowly from there. Now 14 we can get all around his mouth. He loves the paste...so does our 17 year old cat, though prefers Virbac fish flavour.
4 Yummy taste
Posted by jamjad on 12th Jun 2018
Never had a problem with cleaning any of my dogs teeth with this toothpaste.
4 Virbac toothpaste, poultry flavour.
Posted by Marie Chatterton on 21st Apr 2018
We have been using this toothpaste on our dog since he had to have 12 teeth out approximately 6 years ago, the vet said at the time see you in 2 years to remove some more teeth, fortunately we did a little research on dog toothpaste and this virbac toothpaste had good reviews so we tried it with our Jack Russell and it's been great , his teeth still look good so really pleased we found this and from Medicanimal the prices are very competitive. We have had great service from them with no problems at all.
5 Zahnpasta gegen Zahnstein und Mundgeruch
Posted by Ulrike on 21st Feb 2018
Wir putzen damit schon seit Jahren und sie hilft sehr gut gegen Zahnsteinbildung und Mundgeruch. Unser Jack Russel Terrier liebt die Zahnpasta und schleckt gerne die Tube ab.
5 Excellant product
Posted by Jocelyn Pritchard on 18th Jan 2018
My dog achieves constant "gold stars" from her vet due to daily teeth cleaning since a puppy. She is now 7.
3 Virbac Dentifrice
Posted by Alexandre on 28th Dec 2017
bon dentifrice; le gout poulet et mieux que l autre qui se délite en petits morceaux.
5 Zahnpasta gegen Zahnstein und Mundgeruch
Posted by Ulrike on 22nd Oct 2017
Wir nutzen die Zahnpasta seit Jahren und sie hilft sehr gut gegen Zahnsteinbildung und Mundgeruch. Sie scheint auch gut zu schmecken, weil unser Jack Russel Terrier immer genüsslich die Tube danach abschleckt.