Dual-Enzyme formulated poultry flavoured toothpaste specially formulated for cats and dogs. It is mildly abrasive, removing plaque, and contain the CET Dual Enzyme System which is designed to inhibit plaque-forming bacteria. They do not need to be rinsed away after application and are safe to swallow.
Mouth odours are quickly neutralised. Tooth brushing is the most effective method of removing plaque.
43 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
5 Great toothpaste
Posted by deborah cornwall on 4th Nov 2016
My dog loves this and with regular brushing his teeth are in excellent condition
5 Enzamatic toothpaste
Posted by Rhoda Marie Chatterton on 27th Oct 2016
We had a problem with our Jack Russell's teeth about 5 or 6 years ago, he had to have eleven teeth out and the vet said it wouldn't be long before he needed more out he said approx 2years but he advised that we used this toothpaste to help keep them in good health by brushing twice a day and it really worked, up to now he's fine with them and he loves having his teeth brushed.
5 Zahnpasta gegen Zahnstein und Mundgeruch
Posted by Ulrike on 18th Oct 2016
Schnelle Lieferung. Ich verwende sie seit Jahren täglich und unser Hund liebt sie. Sie hilft echt super gegen Zahnstein und Mundgeruch...
4 hilft gegen Zahnsteinbildung
Posted by Lenchen on 11th Jun 2016
Diese Zahnpasta ist im vergleich mit anderen Anbietern wirklich wirksam. Ich putze meiner Kleinpudelhündin damit täglich die Zähne. Mit etwas Kokosöl verfeinert, ist sie da ganz wild drauf und leckt Zahnbürste und Fingerling genüsslich ab.
5 bon produit
Posted by raleur on 11th Jun 2016
mes chiens adorent que je leur nettoie les dents avec ce dentifrice, je recommande
4 Great product
Posted by sarahandhoney on 10th Apr 2015
I had a free sample of this from my vet and my dog loves it. She tolerates having her teeth cleaned but doesn't enjoy it. She loves the taste of this and not gets excited when i get her toothbrush out. The product is keeping her plaque at bay and she has a lovely set of pearly whites. The price from this website.com is the best I could find anywhere
5 Excellent Product
Posted by Billywizz13 on 6th Apr 2015
I have three dogs and have tried many tooth cleaning products over the years. Enzymatic tooth paste not only cleans teeth but keeps breath fresh especially in older dogs and if used every day. It is truly a great product, I just wish I had found it years ago.
5 Die Zahnpasta hält die Zähne hervorragend sauber
Posted by midnightjoc on 21st Mar 2015
Die Zahnpasta ist leicht anzuwenden, bekommt meinen Hunden sehr gut und die Zähne bleiben sauber und frei von Zahnstein. Ich bin mit diesem Produkt sehr zufrieden.
5 efficace
Posted by claire021 on 1st Mar 2015
Mon chien a essayé plusieurs dentifrices mais c'est celui-ci qui donne de meilleurs résultats : meilleure haleine, attaque du tartre. En plus, c'est celui dont le goût lui convient le mieux : après avoir brossé 1 ou 2 fois de chaque côté, il m'en réclame. Je lui en redonne 4 à 5 fois sur la brosse qu'il lèche. Cela rajoute de la quantité et de l'effet avec un côté + ludique.